Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund
Uplift Fund


The Uplift Fund is a COVID-19 emergency relief fund by YMCA supported by Park Hotel Group, aimed at providing assistance to individuals from the Hospitality and F&B industry.

In collaboration with Bravo, we were tasked with creating Uplift Fund's website design. Non-profit organisations often suffer from poor UI/UX on their platforms simply because they do not have the luxury of engaging design/marketing services, we realise this usually results in high drop-off rates as well as poor communication which in turn also causes 'trust issues'.


With three concept pillars in mind— Simplicity, Clarity and Positivity, we wanted to create a website that is easy to use and understand for the masses. By creating an "information journey", we aimed to communicate clearly key information from introduction to eligibility, before finally selecting 'Apply' or 'Donate'. This also lays out a clear path for the user to complete their objective on the website. Also, offering information such as how donations benefit recipients, this creates transparency which builds trust and encourage donors. Creating a light-hearted tone and environment was also key, as we wanted to gain support through positivity instead of sympathy, this influenced the angle of positive messaging, illustrations and colours throughout the UI design.


S$850,000+ raised
1,096 recipients uplifted
3,815 family members benefitted

Visit the website here.
*Statistics by YMCA & Park Hotel Group